Publication date: 30/08/2022

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LUIZ CARLOS DA SILVA Examinador Interno

Summary: Photography was a revolutionary invention at the time of its creation, an instrument capable of paralyzing time, preventing the forgetting of events that occurred within a time lapse. It can be considered a support for memory, since through it we refer to
facts that occurred in distant times. Over time, the photographic technique underwent modifications until it reached the current forms, which are capable of providing us with instant images in large quantities. This favored its use both on a personal and institutional level and we photograph everything we want to record within our daily context. At the institutional level, the contextualization of the photographic image as an archival document ratifies its value as evidence of institutional activities. That's why many institutions adopt photography as a way to demonstrate their actions. What, on the one hand, was an evolution also brought some embarrassment, as it is necessary to deal with this large amount of images produced daily. The management of these photographic collections is of paramount importance for institutions. It was around the 1970s that institutions realized that for their development it was necessary to preserve their memory. Therefore, contextualizing, organizing, preserving, making accessible and disseminating institutional photographic collections is important as a means of preserving the memory and history of institutions. This study aimed to investigate the process of production, receipt and
constitution of photographic collections of the Instituto Federal do Espírito Santos (Ifes), Cachoeiro de Itapemirim campus, for the purpose of preserving its institutional memory, using case studies that, through From a questionnaire sent by email to the
sectors, it identified those where the photographic collections are located, diagnosed the management procedures adopted and also the conditions for safeguarding and preservation, as well as verifying how the forms of access to these collections are carried out. From this knowledge, it was possible to suggest a management methodology that includes the production, receipt, organization, treatment, preservation and access to the collections and that is able to contribute to the preservation of the campus memory by maintaining the authenticity of the information.

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